
Week 27 - Day 6 ~ Happy New Years

Happy New Year!!

Amazing that this will be the last new year without Gavin living life on the outside....life is wonderful!
Happy New Year to all you families, mothers, and babies out there.  
Here is a bump pic for the new year :)


Week 26 - Day 5 ~ holiday baby fun

belly happenings:

so what do you get for the grandparents for the holidays....alan and i both made a pact with them that we are not doing gifts but...we wanted to get them something.  alas...we decided on some fun t-shirts from cafe press.  they do a nice job with customs!  in the mall they wanted about 100 bucks for two tshirts is was ridiculous but cafepress it was less them half the price.  here is a preview of the one for grandpa who would like to be known as Pop :) grandma who would like to be called busia also get her very own in pink....lucky ducks :)

it's printed on a dark green tshirt


so monday i went for an ultrasound to check out gavin's kidneys...one was still dialated more then 5 so they want to do another follow up at 34 weeks.  i have an appointment for the 18 of February...gosh that seems so far away. both the tech and the doctor when he called said it is very normal especially in boys.  shrugs....so i will see what happens next time.  as for the cervix all is well..yay!!!  no pictures though :(....he is just too big smirks :)


Week 25 - Day 5 ~ Check In

belly highlights:
i thought it might be fun to insert some updates as the belly continues to grow...pictures and information...stuff like that.  fyi have an ultrasound on monday so be on the look out for some new pics of the little boy who loves to play in my belly :)

25 Weeks

Size of Baby: Eggplant approx. 13.6-14.8 in, 1.5-2.2 lb
Total Weight Gain/Loss: +18 lbs. 
Maternity Clothes: I am most comfy in maternity clothes...especially love maternity undies
Movement: This boy loves to move!!!  10 am is a really busy time for him :)
Symptoms: Hip/lower back pain on the left side, indigestion. 
What I Miss: Walking outside in the sun...when is Spring again!
Girl, Boy, or Team Green: Boy
Belly button In or Out: Still in and belly ring still in.
Cravings: Milk always makes me happy....been in the habit of cereal with milk in the evenings.
Best Moment This Week: Having my OB appt. and hearing his heart beat :)
What Are You Thankful For This Week? The yummy food my mom makes to help keep me healthy and all the love and support my beautiful alan gives me each day!


Week 24 - Day 2 ~ making your birth story

belly happenings:

OMG! well let me tell you little gavin here does not want to stop moving, rolling, kicking, punching...he has been on a roll for the past few days.  i feel like he never sleeps :)  alan got to feel him for the first real time on saturday while we were enjoying the new harry potter movie at the imax...loved it!  it is so amazing to feel him....my only uncomfortable feeling (which i do not like very much) is when his feet are positioned down near my cervix and he kicks.  it feels so strange....i explained to alan that it is like a balloon being blown up and let out (pressure-wise).   


no particular cravings i would say lately.  just trying to find a nice middle ground with how much to consume throughout the day.  i prefer smaller snack like meals because if i eat too much typically i will end up with indigestion.  these past few days tums have been really helpful :)  of course we have no way to cook so my meals have been random though mom does kick down some yummy goodness once and a while.  last night she made sauce with ravioli, meatballs, garlic bread (which did not agree with me), and a cake with ice cream.  for no reason...lol just well cause :)


today i began conversations with some people about immunizations.  it is such a big topic full with various debates.  in my heart i don't want to put any unnecessary chemicals in gavin....this belief also aligns with our choice not to circumcise him as well as my choice for a natural birth if possible.  these are all great conversations and i look forward to inquiring with some co-workers who have also chose not to immunize their babies.  gosh so much to consider.  btw in regards to natural birth alan and i watched a great movie/documentary this weekend called the business of being born ...i highly suggest you check it out!  click on the link below for an opportunity to check out the trailer.  it is available on netflix for streaming :) 
as for immunizations, i guess that is a topic for another day.  i hope to have more information to add based on my own personal research.  enjoy the movie!