
Week 38 - Day 5 ~ the end and the beginning

belly happenings: 

Yay!  so today we welcomed Gavin Alan into the world at 3:11 am.  he is 5 pounds 14 ounces and 18.5 inches.  he is the most adorable little man I have ever met outside of alan of course.  alan is convinced he looks like me, but I think he will look like his daddy as he gets older....and lucky for him...maybe he'll get the dimples.  as for the labor it was not what all the books say....or i wasn't clear as to what a contraction was.  either way it started Friday evening with scattered contractions that appeared to cease at one point.  Saturday they continued getting to about 30 mins apart....increasing in the evening but never too close....UNTIL they were on top of each other suddenly.  after that everything happened really really fast.  my water broke which felt like a strange poop-sized object coming out of my well "place".  after that we rushed to the hospital were admitted at 2:45 and Gavin came at 3:11.  there was so much pressure in the car I really thought that would be where he birthed....I told Alan I had to push and he said NO NOT NOW YOU HAVE TO WAIT!!!!....it was hard to wait but I did my best...moaning away (like a dead cow according to Alan).

Alas.....here is our little man and this also ends this chapter in my journey as a blogger.  I hope to take on the new adventure of being a mother and sharing a blog about his childhood so he can look back when he is older and learn about his parents journey with him inside and out.   peace, love, and happiness....that's the "family" way.


P.S. Check out my new blog at http://raisinggar.blogspot.com



38 weeks ~ this is why i gallop at work

belly happenings:

how amazing that I am sitting at 38 weeks.....with only "technically" 2 to go...hummmm i wonder!
for a few days I was having contractions that were about 15 to 10 minutes apart with some mild cramping and sharp tinges of pain in the "down there" region.  most likely from little gavin pushing his head down there...silly boy.  he has been going through really active and passive stages.  my instinct says he is ready but patiently waiting.  alan and I have been taking some long walks which appears to increase his dropped position and cause mild contractions.  according to a variety of sources there are many things you can do to push labor along...who knows if any of it is true lol.  here are some I enjoy taken from another fun blog www.hisboyscanswim.com

1. Walking
2. Galloping (huh? See video below)
3. Acupuncture
4. Pressure points
5. Spicy foods
6. Sex and orgasms
7. Nipple stimulation
8. Pineapple
9. Dancing
10. Squatting
11. Relaxing
12. Meditation and/or visualization
13. Evening primrose oil
14. Red raspberry leaf tea
15. Castor oil
16. Herbs (such as black and blue cohosh)
17. Massage
18. Glass of wine (Consult your doctor!)
19. Stripping the membranes
20. Marching up stairs
21. Rent a sad movie and cry like crazy
22. A really bumpy car ride
23. Bouncing and stretching on a birth or exercise ball
24. Swimming
25. Mowing lawn or picking weeds
26. Jump on a swing and start swinging
27. Talk to your baby and tell him/her it’s OK to come out now
28. Watch a really funny movie and laugh until you pee
29. Get down on all fours and shake that booty


Week 37 - Day 3 ~ a place for gavin

belly happenings:

so alas gavin's room is pretty much all set!  just need to create some beautiful art to add to the space.  i have two large canvases and I am looking for ideas if anyone has some....thinking i may somehow tie in the bedding with the geometric shapes.  i just adore the bedding and the uglydolls make it that much better...smirks.  

as for me...im feeling great and just waiting for the big day.  all signs point to gavin being ready to go whenever he is ready.....i can't wait for alan and i to hold him.....:)


Week 36 - Day 5 ~ will it pop

belly happenings:

the belly has been very happy lately!!!!  full of moment and excitement!  i cannot wait to see Gavin and begin my life as his momma.  i feel so blessed each day to have so many wonderful people in my life.  Alan has been such a great support system to me....in my manic times....in my times where i feel overwhelmed....I owe him many thank you's and blessings.

on the home front things are coming together:

washed laundry for baby Gavin ....check
ordered some last minute supplies ....check (changing pad covers, car seat cover, mattress pad...)
checked bathing and diapering supplies ...check
paperwork to hospital ...check
birth plan ....check
baby room ...check 

and as an additional bonus my belly button is starting its big journey out lol
i wonder if it will get there or not....the ring may hold it back :)

will it pop or not?

happy 36 weeks and counting :)


Week 35 - Day 6 ~ is that your head in my vajayjay

belly happenings:

back from our adventure down south!  of course it was full of adventure...plane rides, hot showers, and an unexpected visit from a yeast friend..yuck.  being pregnant comes with such wonderful moments lol.  the doc said to just take over the counter meds which cleared everything up :)  additionally today took a trip to the maternity ward due to lack of movement.  of course i am a worrier but everyone says better to check then to not....alas alan (the great sport he is) brought me in.  

basically, I had not felt any movement for about 24 hours though i was having cramping, pinching pains in the vaginal region, and frequent braxton hicks contractions.  they hooked me up to a monitor, and of course Gavin started to move and hiccup LOL, and ultrasound him...he is head down and ready to go.  the doctor also did a vaginal exam on me determining that i was 50% effaced, my cervix is soft, and Gavin's head is in zero position.  these are all great signs.....he is getting ready to come into the world and we cannot wait! YAY!

also....finished a draft of my birth plan to share with our doula and the doctors this week...check it out below and let me know if you have any suggestions!!!!  Thanks :)

Birth Plan for Gavin Alan

Labor Support:  I’ll be accompanied by my significant other Alan; as well as our Doula Maureen.  I would prefer not to have any other family and/or friends present till after bonding and first time breastfeeding. 

Environment:  I would like to try and keep the lighting dim and use music provided by my ipod and/or laptop when requested, to assist with providing a comfortable environment.

IV:  I would prefer to not have an IV unless deemed absolutely necessary.  I would also like to drink fluids and eat as long as acceptable.

Pain Relief:  I hope to deliver without drugs or interventions, and welcome help and encouragement to do so.  I would prefer that hospital staff kindly refrain from offering intervention unless requested.  If medication becomes necessary Alan or I will request it from staff.

Mobility:  I’d like to move around freely during labor and use the shower as a calming agent.

Birthing Tools: I would like to have a birthing ball in the room upon admittance if possible, and I would also like to use a squatting bar if requested.  During birth I would like to be free to try a variety of positions such as squatting and

Episiotomy:  I’d prefer a natural tear to an incision; and would also like to have warm compresses applied to the perineum at crowning.

C-Section:  I hope to avoid a c-section, but if one becomes necessary, I’d like to have Alan and Maureen stay with me.  I’d also like to see and hold the baby right afterwards.

Cord Cutting and Delivery:  I would like the cord to be drained into Gavin before it is cut if possible.  I would like Alan to assist with delivery (i.e. catch Gavin) and to cut the cord if at all possible.

Bonding:  I’d prefer to have skin-to-skin contact immediately after birth (for up to 2 hours if acceptable), and that non-emergency tests and procedures be delayed while Alan and I have time to bond with Gavin and I may attempt to breastfeed.  I would not like Gavin to have a Hepatitis B shot after birth.

Breastfeeding:  I plan to breastfeed, and assistance with this would be greatly appreciated.  Please do not give Gavin pacifiers or any supplemental bottles.  If he needs to feed and I am resting please wake me to do so.  


Week 35 - Day 1 ~ journey down south...in the us!

belly happenings:

hi ya'll :)  so i ended up on a last minute adventure this week.  as you may know it is vacation for some school teachers and i began this week with a weekend away with alan for our anniversary.  we had an amazing time full of memories and laughs.  on sunday as we journeyed home we came across an opportunity for a road trip down south about 1200 miles and a return flight home later in the week.  after calling the doc and checking a variety of resources we came to the conclusion that with frequent stops and walks on the plane all should go well.  some things to consider are blood clotting from extended sitting!  

currently i am sitting in a hotel in tennessee just chill-laxing and updating the blog.  took a pic in the room mirror to share...gosh i cannot believe gavin will be here soon...time has flown by!  i do look forward to returning to finish reading some stuff for him laundry, bedding, and packing "the bag" for the big day.  i also really need to work on my birth plan for the hospital and finish some paper work.  i hope to get that all done this weekend then back to work till the BIG day.  

some random things i'm thinking of in regards to a birth plan:

  • dim lighting
  • soft music / computer - ipod
  • warm compresses on the perineum during crowing
  • request that doctors/nurses do not offer intervention
  • no iv unless absolutely necessary
  • birthing ball
  • birthing bar
  • immediate skin to skin contact at birth
  • breast feeding as soon as child will latch
  • cord draining if possible
  • alan cutting the cord and assisting in delivery
...there are many others i will add them as they come to mind :) enjoy each moment and laugh often


Week 34 ~ baby shower

belly happenings:

last weekend was my baby shower....first off thank you SOOOOO much to all those fantastic people who attended.  it was such a wonderful day to share with many many close friends and family.  i feel so blessed to have you all in my life.  gavin is so lucky!!!  received many items from the registry and some very special homemade surprises.  games were to be had...prizes were won....and yummy food was eaten :)

one of my wonderful hosts :)

and the other.....love you both!

one baby belly meets the other :)


Week 33 - Day 5 ~ maternity photos

belly happenings:

how lucky am i to have a super talented friend who loves to take photos!!!  last weekend a close friend of mine came over and we did some maternity shoots....some alone....some with alan....it was such fun.  below are a select few i adore.  now i just need to figure out how i will display some of them...hum....anyone have a great idea?  btw if you are interested in learning more about the photographer check out his website at www.webber digital.com


Week 33- Day 1 ~ jiffy pop

belly happenings: 

i have just gotten over a cold that made me feel not so happy.  lucky for me alan was kind enough to acquire me a neti pot....not only that he helped me use it.  isn't he the best!  there were many exciting things that have happened over the past couple days including alan getting his first and (only! - as he says) tattoo.  poor thing!  however though he was nervous...he managed to get through like a trooper.  let me tell you it is beautiful and i believe that he will embrace the moments of it in time :) thank you scott....btw check out his site at: www.scottbruns.com

additionally alan also finally introduced me to jiffy pop :)  as you may remember a while back i noted that he enjoys referring to me as a jiffy pop....silly boy!  so gavin and i got to experience the real thing in our kitchen.  not only was it yummy....it was very fun to watch :)

and a shout out to dunkin donuts...thanks for the memories!


32 Weeks - 3 days ~ photos, showers, and yoga oh my

belly happenings:

the belly and i have had a crazy week....with lots to share :)

  • saturday - maternity photos with our favorite photographer :)  full of laughter and spontaneous moments...we cannot wait to see them.  Though be low is a preview...it is a photo of a framed photo off my phone and transferred to black and white....so just a taste :)  i cannot wait to see more!

  • sunday - alan and i had our first session of partner yoga!  it was fantastic...and we committed to a doula for birthing which is also wonderful!  feeling so excited to meet little gavin and share this amazing world with him.  also it was my shower day....also super exciting and fun.  so many wonderful people came out to share.  big thank you to everyone...it ment so much.  hopefully i will have some pics to follow also.

  • tuesday/wednesday - unfortunately baby class was cancelled due to the weather but it will extend an extra week.  today i had my 32 doc appointment and everything looks great...measurements...weight...and all :)

  • thursday - plan to attend newborn class at the hospital if i am feeling any better...right now a cold has the best of me. 
32 weeks and counting :)


Week 31 - casting and cleansing

belly happening:
had a great baby yoga session today... and i am looking forward to continuing my practice with a partnered yoga session at my home :)  since i have now moved i have been enjoying many baths in a big soaking tub...i especially love them with alan *big smile*.  they are the absolute BEST!!!  i look forward to having this as an option during the labor process. 

last night a girl friend of mine came over to burn some sage and cleanse the house of the past and cast my belly.  it was a beautiful moment full of laughter!  i look forward to watching it evolve into something spiritual to reconnect with and remember these moments.  thank you so much to that special friend...you know who you are!


Week 30 ~ Day 5 - pregnant avatar

belly happenings:
life has been so super busy with moving and unpacking.....whew! i really would be happy not to move for a while.  i did manage to get gavin's room cleared out so it can be cleaned and begin to be transformed....i really should say all the strong men did...THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE HELP!!!!  this past week was so busy with packing and baby classes.  Many things to look forward to this week...
  • monday: baby yoga
  • tuesday: baby class
  • saturday: maternity photos
  • sunday: partner yoga & baby shower
then some well deserved down time i hope for a while :)

here is a fun photo of my online avatar who is also pregnant....poor thing i think she is going on a year lol...thinking she needs to birth the little one...she does look good for a year a must say :)


Week 30 ~ dirty thirties

Welcome the 
Dirty Thirties 
as some bumpies refer to it

in celebration here is a photo taken in the bathroom via cellphone :)

exciting happenings this week...
  • monday: baby yoga
  • tuesday: doctors appointment to meet final doctor, baby class
  • wednesday: breastfeeding class
  • ....packing and moving this weekend!


Week 29 - Day 4 ~ to immunize or not to...that is the question

belly happenings:

just finished some kick counts for the day to check in with the little one...it is amazing how you can pass a whole day by not being conscience of what is growing inside and then all of a sudden wonder what they are up to!  it was great to check in and think about him :)  alan and i were very busy yesterday meeting some midwives/doulas and attending our first baby class.  we are still continuing our journey in discovering what is best for us and gavin as a birthing experience.  both interviews were very informative and have left us with still more topics for discussion in the future.  we also have a documentary to watch about the medias role in the view of birthing called... 

our first baby class was full of new faces and interesting conversation.  alan has now learned and share the correct placement of the rectum with the class so i think we made a statement....lol, and we had the opportunity to discuss side effects and risks with pregnancy.  the class ended with some deep relaxation.  all in all it was just nice to see other mothers and families preparing for their big adventure.

these past few days i have been nauseous and my tummy is not happy.  nothing new and exciting in my diet though i think it could just be related to gavin growing and everything shifting inside me.  i need to be more conscience of small frequent meals and nothing too heavy.  milk is still a favorite!

recently alan and i have been discussing pediatricians and immunizations. there is just so much to think about.  our journey to identify the need to immunize gavin will start with a presentation on frontline called The Vaccine War.  why don't you watch it too and let us know what you think :)  


Week 29 - Day 2 ~ purchase furniture check

belly happenings:
  • how does time fly by so fast...gosh just about at 30 weeks.  gavin will be here so soon and i can't wait!  alan is off on an adventure and hopefully comes home today pending weather.  i miss him so much and can't wait to hold him.  though i must say with skype life and separation is much better...at least i can see him.
  • so i have been enjoying all the belly love from friends, co-workers, and little children.  gavin is quiet a popular person.  mom and i headed out to find some furniture yesterday and came home with a set purchased by Pali an Italian originated company.  i just love the set very simple lines and great to grow with gavin.  gosh he will have better furniture then alan and i lol.  now i have to decide on some bedding and curtains....the search begins :)
  • tonight is baby yoga and tomorrow alan and i start our 5-week baby classes.  the time is getting close for us to meet this little man living in my belly.  something tells me my life will change forever.....!