
Week 18 - Day 4 ~ how modest are you

belly happenings:

gosh i cannot believe a whole week went by!  i have been super busy with work and other related items...however yesterday i had the big ultrasound which was lots of fun.  got to see all the organs and watch the little one squirm around.  my parents got an opportunity to come in and see gavin too....which was awesome.  my mom cried and hugged the poor tech lady so hard lol.  a funny story about the day was when the tech put the u/s wand on my belly this was the first thing we saw....
hummm....i wonder
lol it was so funny.  we knew it was probably a boy based on an early prediction but this certainly sealed the deal.  welcome mr gavin alan :)


gosh i hadn't weighed myself in months it feels like so i took that for a turn.....gosh it is amazing how much weight you can gain in such a short period of time!  sitting at about 12 pounds gained WOW!  I wonder where it all is lol.  i feel really good and eating more then i was a month ago.  i seem to be hungry all the time and alan likes to spoil me with treats....naughty boy.  still really loving milk and oj :)  had a pickle the other day which also made me happy!


I got my first baby gift in the mail which was fun.  alan and i spent some time assembling the pack and play which is still displayed in the living room lol.  not only is it portable...smirks...it vibrates.  hum.... and plays music and triples as a changing table and a shallow sleeping area. who knew :)  Also a close friend of mine gave me an early gift in celebration of halloween which was very perfect as i love halloween so.  this way gavin can experience the holiday in the summer...snickers.  thank you mystery friend *winks* 

love baby gap :)



Week 17 - Day 1 ~ massage bars help the itches

belly happenings:

so i went to have my monthly dr. meeting on monday and he gave me some great news!!!  my cervix is measuring at 3.7 which is just perfect.  this means i don't have to be so careful about certain activities :)  He also did some measuring and listened to little gavin's heartbeat.  i love hearing it :)  additionally, he gave me a packet of information i need to fill out and send to the hospital about birthing and history.  alan and i hope to sign up for a course soon to introduce us to the staff at the hospital and their systems there.  next week is our big ultrasound...we are also going to bring my mother :)


it is so nice to be able to cook!  the other day alan and i made minestrone stew.  it is so yummy!  its been my lunch / dinner for the past couple days mmmmm.  nothing like warm soup on a chilly day.  i also made some oatmeal raisin cookies last night which were so super yummy with vanilla ice cream.  just can't get enough of cookies ;) smirks.  this weekend we are heading up to a show in the city and i look forward to some yummy food there....i also want to head over to lush to buy a belly bar.  i have been so super SUPER itchy on my belly and my breasts.  check them out yourself...
massage bars by lush (click to check them out)


a friend shared with me the other day the new commercials evian water has been working on where they digitally animate babies....definitely worth a look see....giggles


Week 16 - Day 4 ~ music to my belly boy

belly happenings:

so i had an ultrasound on friday to check on the little one and my cervix.  it appeared that all was doing well!!!  which is fantastic!  i have a follow up appointment on monday in the afternoon at which time i will meet one of the four doctors in the practice.  also during my appointment i felt movement for the first time.  it was amazing!!! also it was great to see the little one again.....and it appears we are preparing the world for a little boy *big smile*...here is a great pic of the little one and his brain :)

Welcome Gavin Alan!


it has been so nice to have a stove to cook on :)  though my mother keeps making us food lol....pot pie, meat balls, pasta, chicken parm, eggplant parm.....pear and raspberry cake!!!  she can't stop herself and she must be contributing to the 7 pounds i have gained since this journey began.....alas we will attempt to cook on our own....maybe some soup to warm the belly :)  however our fridge is now overfilled with leftovers :)


so i often frequent thebump.com boards to see what is new in the world of march 2011 mommies :)  it is really a great place to search for deals on baby related items and online coupons.  also just to stay connected with other women going through the same stages :)  i recently was introduced to this site babysteals where each day at 9 am and 9 pm they post discounted items for babies...typically around 40-50% off the going price.  sometimes you can find a real deal i've heard...haven't found one yet but i will keep looking.  

also i have decided to make my own music making belly system.  after much debated i decided to save the $70 dollars for a rainy day.  alan and i went out and bought some clip on headsets that work great with my ipod...just fantastic.  i plan to play the same soft piano music for gavin in the evenings around bed time to calm him.  hope it works on the outside :)  i did expose him to a little country this afternoon as requested by his daddy :)


Week 16 - Day 1 ~ what kind of kid will caffeine spawn you

belly happenings:

my belly has been happy the past couple days...no cramping or spotting YAY!  i did have a really bad headache last night and broke down to take some tylenol pm to help as well as help me sleep.  i slept really well.  i can't believe how much dry skin on my belly is.  i feel like i bathe myself in cocoa butter all the time giggles.  could be worse things.  i did got shopping this weekend and bought some well deserved and needed new bras as well as my first piece of baby clothes.  I just couldn't help it and did you know Monday (Columbus Day) the gap had a 40% off the entire store sale!!!  it was awesome i had not idea...what a great surprise :)  

my little monster...bonus glows in dark :)

well alan and i are in the swing of eating some home cooked food.  last night was a smorousborg of left overs tonight roasted chicken and salad.  recently i had a cup of coffee when alan was making his and it tasted so yummy....i haven't had coffee in gosh a long long time as i converted to tea a while back before bella honey bee.  alas i enjoyed it so much i have been allowing my self little doses once in a while.  my sister who has three kids told me with the first she had no caffeine, the second a little, and the third well she drank it like she does now lol  she asked me to see which kind of child i would prefer lol.  so i figure it will be okay to have some :)  thanks sis!


recently i have bee researching blood cord donation and banks.  does anyone out there have any experience with them? one girl on my bump board said she got a deal at $1500 with a 6 payment option. wow....that is a lot of money.  i picked up this link from another expected mommy, Parents Guide to Cord Blood.  i've read that there are many benefits to potentially your child and others.  This short video below was sent my way and said to be highly informative. To access it just click on the image and type in the birthdate of January 1, 1970 when prompted.  Also click you are a friend when prompted...the video is about 10 minutes :) I plan on watching it now....let me know what you think????


Week 15 - Day 3 ~ music for baby and me

belly happenings:

so the belly and bella are much better.  i did have some spotting for a couple days with cramp, however now i feel much better.  i have an ultrasound scheduled for thus upcoming friday to check the cervix length and the little one, in addition to a check up appointment scheduled for the monday following.  it will be a busy week...coupled by a long weekend for columbus day :)  hope to lay low this weekend...see some old friends and finish unpacking from the move.  


wow! it is amazing to have a stove and a functioning fridge....its the little things.  alan and i have been trying to figure out this thing called cooking.  last night we got some sandwiches on the run since we had tickets to a show but the other night we made turkey burgers and the night before whole wheat waffles...yummy... those made my tummy HAPPY :) i hope to put out some cookbooks and bring on some serious cooking this weekend lol well thats if i don't get consumed with other projects.  we will see...as for cravings nothing really serious...except milk :) i am love love loving milk...anyone else? what do you or did you crave?


so i've have been reading recently about music and the womb...wondering if i should start sharing some classical soothing music with the little one.  some say that if you share soothing selections frequently while your baby is in the womb that when they are born that same music with sooth them to sleep?  hum.... 

some companies even market systems to allow you to hook your MP3 to your belly without the use of headphones....

check it out at bellysonic

so the question becomes what music do you share with your baby....and how will it really influence them?  i think i would like to share music (and some say at 16 weeks they can begin to hear sounds outside the womb like your voice ect) but what kind and how.  does anyone have any suggestions or experience.  im totally game for any ideas and i do think that some consistent soothing classical music would be nice.  do i need the bellysonic....well this i do not know.  is it just a pocket? and not only that it is typically $70 which seems extreme for a pocket with speakers!  is it worth it...hum can i make one.  you can also check out their section on research and do your own digging.  i'm sold on the idea but may stick with the old school headset.  maybe i will pop the headphones off an old set and stick them to my belly giggles :)


Week 14 - Day 6 ~ a day full of registries

belly happenings:

well had a bit of a scare today with some bleeding this morning....that is the worst feeling...being unable to do anything...so scary.  i called the doctor right away and left work.  alan came with and the doc did an ultrasound and exam.  bella honey bee seems to be all well and good with a strong heartbeat, however mom and dad were both a nervous wreak.  little one if you ever read this know how loved you are.  the doctor said it is not abnormal for this to happen and that it may happen again between now and 20 weeks.  she also said i have to refrain from everything like lifting, exercise, etc.  until i go a couple weeks without bleeding.  whatever is best for the baby!


so alan and i have moved into a new establishment and are getting acclimated.  we hope to start cooking for real within the next couple days if we can get to the grocery store.  right now we have been swinging some takeout and handouts from mom.  this morning before a walk i had some cereal and i just nibbled on a bagel with egg and cheese.  yummy.  bought some chicken salad for later with lettuce on a wrap.  im feeling a bit soupy....hum something warm i will have to see.  also i really want to bake cookies....yummy yum yum!


so alas i have begun the process of a registry due to the insistence of my family...at least for big stuff.  lucky me my grandmother already bought my pack and play....THANKS GRANDMA!  below is a little preview for you all....also some asked i registered at target and on amazon.  target for the big stuff and amazon for little things which really is just a list for me so i don't forget what i need.  i must say hunting for stuff i like was hard...color-wise that is...though i think these suit me :)


Week 14 - Day 4 ~ a stove to put my bun in

belly happenings:

i must say my belly must be stretching and growing because gosh i can feel it.....those round ligaments are working their bottoms off.  the doctor told me at my last visit that i should think about limiting my exercise to walking and yoga....alas i knew the time was coming.  i think i may put my gym membership on hold when they write a note on my next visit and invest in a treadmill for the house.  this was i can walk in the winter months....it makes my belly feel happy.  also i will keep up with prenatal yoga...love it!


i've eaten so strangly for the past couple days...alan and i were on a whirlwind trip to visit/meet family.  so lots of yummy treats and foods later i am still kicking but so full.  i think i need to detox my body...i can't wait to go to the grocery store and by some finger veggies and fruits for the house like...cucumbers, celery, carrots, peppers, cantaloupe, berries, peaches....yummy!  we are moving to a new abode tomorrow with a functioning fridge and alas....a STOVE!  imagine the possibilities!


well at the doc appointment i had another ultrasound which is always fun....check out the little one :)
14 weeks
also my sister threw a small impromptu shower shindig that was a fantastic time :)  i received some adorable gifts for "bella honey bee" (as my mom refers to my belly) ...i hope to have some pics up soon of the cuteness that will sometimes adorn my little one.....gosh i can't wait to meet you :)