
Week 14 - Day 6 ~ a day full of registries

belly happenings:

well had a bit of a scare today with some bleeding this morning....that is the worst feeling...being unable to do anything...so scary.  i called the doctor right away and left work.  alan came with and the doc did an ultrasound and exam.  bella honey bee seems to be all well and good with a strong heartbeat, however mom and dad were both a nervous wreak.  little one if you ever read this know how loved you are.  the doctor said it is not abnormal for this to happen and that it may happen again between now and 20 weeks.  she also said i have to refrain from everything like lifting, exercise, etc.  until i go a couple weeks without bleeding.  whatever is best for the baby!


so alan and i have moved into a new establishment and are getting acclimated.  we hope to start cooking for real within the next couple days if we can get to the grocery store.  right now we have been swinging some takeout and handouts from mom.  this morning before a walk i had some cereal and i just nibbled on a bagel with egg and cheese.  yummy.  bought some chicken salad for later with lettuce on a wrap.  im feeling a bit soupy....hum something warm i will have to see.  also i really want to bake cookies....yummy yum yum!


so alas i have begun the process of a registry due to the insistence of my family...at least for big stuff.  lucky me my grandmother already bought my pack and play....THANKS GRANDMA!  below is a little preview for you all....also some asked i registered at target and on amazon.  target for the big stuff and amazon for little things which really is just a list for me so i don't forget what i need.  i must say hunting for stuff i like was hard...color-wise that is...though i think these suit me :)

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