belly happenings:
wow i cannot believe it is 5 months....gosh time flies when you are having fun! i'm feeling great and my belly is growing rapidly every day. it is amazing to watch as it expands and stretches. as for the weight it is beginning to come on more rapidly. the itchies are still going strong but the body bars from lush have been quiet helpful though they do hold a strong odor. i recently broke down and applied for a gap card since can't beat the 20% off and the some of their baby clothes. as for maternity wear i just purchased a belly band from target in hopes of wearing some of my pants for the winter instead of spending money on maternity pants. today i have felt gavin more then usual? it is trully amazing to feel him moving inside me. gosh im sure i should enjoy this while i can before he starts to kick me all the time lol.
made some yummy mushroom barley soup this weekend which helped with the cold....gosh it is chilly and been raining for ever it feels like. looking forward to it stoping this week. also tried out some corn muffins in an old cast iron pan - they were super good. and caped of the weekend with some cookies. really how can it get any better. lately i have been craving candy and sweets...hum....little boy in there must have a sweet tooth like his dad.
so i have been trying to think of an interesting topic....hum....
so recently i have been reading about various changes that can happen to your skin during pregnancy
for instance the flaky itchiness i cannot seem to get away from ( i feel like i should do a product test lol)
anywho alan and I were googling some info and found some great information on the american pregnancy association page that i have inserted here....check out there site. Here are a couple they speak of but check out the site for many more.
Dry Itchy Abdomen:
As your beautiful belly grows, your skin stretches and tightens. This causes very uncomfortable dryness and itching. If you begin to experience severe itching late in your pregnancy, possibly accompanied by nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, fatigue and possibly jaundice, you should contact your doctor. What can I do? To help alleviate your dry itchy abdomen, you should keep your abdomen moisturized. You can also use anti-itch cream such as calamine lotion to help provide more relief. Try taking a nice oatmeal bath to help relieve some of the discomfort.
Linea Nigra:
Linea nigra is the dark line that runs from your navel to your pubic bone. This is a line that may have always been there, but you may have never noticed it before because it was a light color. During pregnancy this line darkens and is possibly caused by the imbalance in hormones. It usually appears around the fourth or fifth month of pregnancy. What can I do? There is nothing you can do to prevent this from happening, but after your pregnancy this line will fade.
***also i have added some of my favorite shopping sites to the section on the right side...check them out!
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