
Week 11 - Day 1 ~ someone catch me...


well alas it is that time of week again still holding strong at 134.... :)

how am i feeling:

i feel awesome....went for an hour walk this morning and ready to start my day.  i find that the nauseous feeling has really passed and my appetite is back and kicking :)  however....two days ago i ended up in the hospital (er) due to a fainting episode.  i was just standing having a conversation and bam.....my vision and hearing went and i was out.  lucky for me alan caught me but we felt it best to head to the er to make sure everything was okay.  after 6 hours of waiting, testing, blood, ekg's, ultrasounds i was discharged.  it was a long day....but i was able to see the little one again and that was fun.  everything is fine with him/her (we are convinced it is a her) and she/he has grown so much.  my new due date is my birthday...how fun!


eating in a home without a stove is always an adventure.  cereal or yogurt seems to be a favorite for breakfast.  snack around 10:30 watermelon...yum...lunch a nice salad with chicken and a granola bar...and for dinner who knows lets how not take out lol...actually heading out with a friend for something yummy i hope!!!


in regards to the fainting apparently it can be a side effect of pregnancy.....as the doctor put it "some pregnant woman are just fainters" lmao...i guess i am one of those women...snickers.  alas i have to run to work but hope to post tomorrow too since i have been mia for a few days....work has taken over :)

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