
Week 11 - Day 5 ~ a snoogle a day

how am i feeling:

some minor cramping today...nothing major....overall feeling great.  went to a step class today and love love loved it....i felt wonderful afterwards.  recently debating how i am going to pull through the winter months with clothing??? right now my pants fit everywhere but in the "belly" area snickers....though i am more bloated in the evenings but that is typical.  honestly i don't feel like stuffing myself like a sausage.  i would be more then happy in sweats and tshirts.  hum....may sport dresses and skirts with leggings the entire working winter or breakdown and look into maternity pants but honestly they all feel well itchy to me lol...we will see.


lets see today i had some yummy yummy yummy granola cereal mixed with heart to heart by kashi....gosh it hit the spot.  lunch an english muffin with butter and a naughty cookie that alan forced on me...lol dinner some chicken noodle soup and a half of chicken salad sandwich with lettuce and tomato.  snacks today included some honey roasted peanuts which were divine and some vanilla yogurt.  


alan and i watched the movie the backup plan with jennifer lopez last night and i became obsessed with the pillow she sleeps with...the pillow goes through a story of its own....but she just looked so super comfortable with it.  right now i have maneuvered numerous pillows on the bed to accompany my "belly" honestly between the breasts and tummy i don't want to sleep on my stomach it is just uncomfortable.  my side is the best with a pillow under my legs laying against my belly with my arm wrapped around it.  i have another pillow under my head and a third to rest my other arm on.  it does the trick for now....but for $64.97 i could have a snoogle....don't you want one smiles....

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