
Week 27 - Day 6 ~ Happy New Years

Happy New Year!!

Amazing that this will be the last new year without Gavin living life on the outside....life is wonderful!
Happy New Year to all you families, mothers, and babies out there.  
Here is a bump pic for the new year :)


Week 26 - Day 5 ~ holiday baby fun

belly happenings:

so what do you get for the grandparents for the holidays....alan and i both made a pact with them that we are not doing gifts but...we wanted to get them something.  alas...we decided on some fun t-shirts from cafe press.  they do a nice job with customs!  in the mall they wanted about 100 bucks for two tshirts is was ridiculous but cafepress it was less them half the price.  here is a preview of the one for grandpa who would like to be known as Pop :) grandma who would like to be called busia also get her very own in pink....lucky ducks :)

it's printed on a dark green tshirt


so monday i went for an ultrasound to check out gavin's kidneys...one was still dialated more then 5 so they want to do another follow up at 34 weeks.  i have an appointment for the 18 of February...gosh that seems so far away. both the tech and the doctor when he called said it is very normal especially in boys.  shrugs....so i will see what happens next time.  as for the cervix all is well..yay!!!  no pictures though :(....he is just too big smirks :)


Week 25 - Day 5 ~ Check In

belly highlights:
i thought it might be fun to insert some updates as the belly continues to grow...pictures and information...stuff like that.  fyi have an ultrasound on monday so be on the look out for some new pics of the little boy who loves to play in my belly :)

25 Weeks

Size of Baby: Eggplant approx. 13.6-14.8 in, 1.5-2.2 lb
Total Weight Gain/Loss: +18 lbs. 
Maternity Clothes: I am most comfy in maternity clothes...especially love maternity undies
Movement: This boy loves to move!!!  10 am is a really busy time for him :)
Symptoms: Hip/lower back pain on the left side, indigestion. 
What I Miss: Walking outside in the sun...when is Spring again!
Girl, Boy, or Team Green: Boy
Belly button In or Out: Still in and belly ring still in.
Cravings: Milk always makes me happy....been in the habit of cereal with milk in the evenings.
Best Moment This Week: Having my OB appt. and hearing his heart beat :)
What Are You Thankful For This Week? The yummy food my mom makes to help keep me healthy and all the love and support my beautiful alan gives me each day!


Week 24 - Day 2 ~ making your birth story

belly happenings:

OMG! well let me tell you little gavin here does not want to stop moving, rolling, kicking, punching...he has been on a roll for the past few days.  i feel like he never sleeps :)  alan got to feel him for the first real time on saturday while we were enjoying the new harry potter movie at the imax...loved it!  it is so amazing to feel him....my only uncomfortable feeling (which i do not like very much) is when his feet are positioned down near my cervix and he kicks.  it feels so strange....i explained to alan that it is like a balloon being blown up and let out (pressure-wise).   


no particular cravings i would say lately.  just trying to find a nice middle ground with how much to consume throughout the day.  i prefer smaller snack like meals because if i eat too much typically i will end up with indigestion.  these past few days tums have been really helpful :)  of course we have no way to cook so my meals have been random though mom does kick down some yummy goodness once and a while.  last night she made sauce with ravioli, meatballs, garlic bread (which did not agree with me), and a cake with ice cream.  for no reason...lol just well cause :)


today i began conversations with some people about immunizations.  it is such a big topic full with various debates.  in my heart i don't want to put any unnecessary chemicals in gavin....this belief also aligns with our choice not to circumcise him as well as my choice for a natural birth if possible.  these are all great conversations and i look forward to inquiring with some co-workers who have also chose not to immunize their babies.  gosh so much to consider.  btw in regards to natural birth alan and i watched a great movie/documentary this weekend called the business of being born ...i highly suggest you check it out!  click on the link below for an opportunity to check out the trailer.  it is available on netflix for streaming :) 
as for immunizations, i guess that is a topic for another day.  i hope to have more information to add based on my own personal research.  enjoy the movie!


Week 23 - Day 2 ~ a special room for gavin

belly happenings:

gosh i have felt so much growing and stretching down there this week...also many moments of movement and occasionally kicks on the outside.  at lease i think that is what they are.  really it is such an unusual feeling...almost like gas in the middle of your stomach lol.  either way something is going on in there.  it is so hard to not wonder what gavin is doing in there.  i know that around this time they sleep 12-16 hours a day...wow!  but they are using so much energy with all their movements and growth.  today i dropped off all my paper work from work to the dr office.  this way my maternity leave is all up and ready to go.  i get 8 weeks to use my sick day but can take 12 weeks off (4 unpaid).  most likely i will go back so i can finish the year.  depending of course on the little one and if i can actually let go....giggles....but alas alan will be there to support any choice i have :)


the other day i was craving red meat like crazy....yum had a burger to solve that craving.  though i must say i have also been really love love loving sweets lately....candy mostly.  i think i am craving going to the movie theater just to get candy and yes another naughty (diet coke).  i've only had two since i got pregnant but let me tell you they hit the spot. smirks!!!  still working the large consumption of milk and oj.  gosh what will it feel like to eat normal again....not too much longer....but im not thinking of him coming out yet.  honestly i can protect him in there :)


so i have been really excited about the prospect of creating a very special place for gavin.  too bad creating a black gothic inspired baby room may be perceived as well morbid....giggles!  i think i would really enjoy yellow, gray, and black...similar to the pack and play.  nothing too overwelming but i need a little black ;)  i was also thinking about where gavin will sleep the first few months.  i've read numerous articles about cribs and how early on any kind of bumpers and or supports are not considered safe....some do mention the use of breathable bumpers but i need to research them more.  realistically gavin won't be rolling initially.  after some research i noted that many on thebump and other chat boards like to use the fisherprice newborn rock and play sleeper.  i also have an old school wooden newborn crib that i slept in my first few months of life or there is also the pack and play which has an upper section ofter used for sleeping.  too many decisions!!!  i will wait until the time comes...for now i will organize and decorate by integrating components of alan and myself.  smiles....i feel so lucky.  


Week 22 - Day 4 ~ happy turkey day


belly happenings:

how life just passes by...i really can't believe that this little one has been living inside of me for almost six months.  how amazing the body is.  i feel him move more often on the inside and did actually feel him for the first time on the outside last saturday.  i was sitting at a show/theater performance and all of a sudden i felt it right near my belly button.  my hands just happen to be there ;)  

right now alan and i are preparing for a big move back to my parents to save some money.  things are all disheveled around the house so it is pretty hectic.  we hope to get everything out this weekend...and yes we will be back to eating out of a fridge without a stove :(  so much for cooking!!!  

i also replaced my belly ring this past week since the one i currently had did not work for me...it was not bendable enough according to the nurse.  this new one feels really good and does bend with my body better...it appears to be made out of plastic tubing.  very interesting!


well today there will be many yummy things to eat.....licks lips.  as for over all eating the only new craving is coffee!  alan loves it and the smell drives me wild so i have started drinking decaf with him.  a bit funny since i didn't drink coffee pre pregnancy...smirks.  as for weight i have appeared to hit the 18 pound mark and gosh can i feel it when i carry this belly around.  i look unmistakingly pregnant now and often have people asking about gavin or touching him lol.  i'm not bothered by people randomly touching...i think it makes gavin feel loved! 


well i have called to register for "baby classes" so that is exciting.  one is a birth prep class held for 5 weeks one night a week for 2.5 hours.  i hope not to snooze as it does not end until 9:30pm.  another is to learn about breastfeeding and the last about newborns and caring for them.  they will all be held between january and february.  hopefully alan and i can put away some money to move out before gavin enters the world.  that is our hope!  a friend suggested this really fun site called shape collage...you can download the program to use with your photos...check mine out!



Week 21 - Day 2 ~ counting kicks keeps the doctor away

belly happenings:

it has been way too long....i need to keep on top of this.  it just seems like time is passing by so fast.  so little mr gavin has decided to take a walk on the wild side...he has moved over to the left side after residing on the right for almost my whole pregnancy.  i can feel him move more and more but only on the inside....still waiting to feel those kicks on the outside.   the other day we received his very cool swing in the mail via registry...thank you to those who contributed.  it is really the cutest thing!!!  i wish i could cuddle up in it and sleep in it...take a look!

in addition, i had a dr appointment the other day and all is doing well.  so awesome to hear that little heartbeat going a mile a minute.....smiles i think im in love!


gosh what haven't i been eating.  my eating is all over the place.  i have been craving sliced turkey on sandwiches.  gosh i just am loving it!!!  also continuing with the milk trend....actually going to grab some now.  unfortunately, my sweet tooth has been active.  not really baked treats more like candy.....gummies....etc.  loving lollipops...yum tootsie pops.  probably should stop the madness before it all sticks to me and i end up with numerous cavities.  i do have an appointment scheduled for next week....we will see.   


so i have been reading lots about counting kicks of your baby lately.  this seems to be a popular way to keep track of the baby as it grows.  the american pregnancy association  states that scientific studies  indicate that kick counting, a daily record of moms' perception of their baby's movement during the third trimester, is a reliable, harmless, simple and effective screening for the baby's well being.  

the question is how do you count the kicks.....well they say to note the time it takes for the baby to make 10 movements at its most active time a day.  movements include kicks, jabs, rolls, twists, and turns.  typically healthy babies should complete ten movements within two hours and most babies achieve this in less then 15 minutes.  if something changes in the patterns you should notify your healthcare provider.  

For more information you can check out the baby kick site or for a great resource from the doulas care site you can save this pdf called baby kick alliance and download your very own chart to keep track of kicks during your third trimester....this is an awesome think to print off and keep on your fridge!


Week 20 - Day 1 ~ the ever changing skin

belly happenings:

wow i cannot believe it is 5 months....gosh time flies when you are having fun!  i'm feeling great and my belly is growing rapidly every day.  it is amazing to watch as it expands and stretches.  as for the weight it is beginning to come on more rapidly.  the itchies are still going strong but the body bars from lush have been quiet helpful though they do hold a strong odor.  i recently broke down and applied for a gap card since well...you can't beat the 20% off and the offers...love some of their baby clothes.  as for maternity wear i just purchased a belly band from target in hopes of wearing some of my pants for the winter instead of spending money on maternity pants.  today i have felt gavin more then usual?  it is trully amazing to feel him moving inside me.  gosh im sure i should enjoy this while i can before he starts to kick me all the time lol.


made some yummy mushroom barley soup this weekend which helped with the cold....gosh it is chilly and been raining for ever it feels like.  looking forward to it stoping this week.  also tried out some corn muffins in an old cast iron pan - they were super good.  and caped of the weekend with some cookies. really how can it get any better.  lately i have been craving candy and sweets...hum....little boy in there must have a sweet tooth like his dad. 


so i have been trying to think of an interesting topic....hum....
so recently i have been reading about various changes that can happen to your skin during pregnancy
for instance the flaky itchiness i cannot seem to get away from ( i feel like i should do a product test lol)
anywho alan and I were googling some info and found some great information on the american pregnancy association page that i have inserted here....check out there site. Here are a couple they speak of but check out the site for many more.

Dry Itchy Abdomen:
As your beautiful belly grows, your skin stretches and tightens. This causes very uncomfortable dryness and itching. If you begin to experience severe itching late in your pregnancy, possibly accompanied by nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, fatigue and possibly jaundice, you should contact your doctor. What can I do? To help alleviate your dry itchy abdomen, you should keep your abdomen moisturized. You can also use anti-itch cream such as calamine lotion to help provide more relief. Try taking a nice oatmeal bath to help relieve some of the discomfort.

Linea Nigra:
Linea nigra is the dark line that runs from your navel to your pubic bone. This is a line that may have always been there, but you may have never noticed it before because it was a light color. During pregnancy this line darkens and is possibly caused by the imbalance in hormones. It usually appears around the fourth or fifth month of pregnancy. What can I do? There is nothing you can do to prevent this from happening, but after your pregnancy this line will fade.

***also i have added some of my favorite shopping sites to the section on the right side...check them out!


Week 19 - Day 4 ~ drinking milk and pumping milk

belly happenings:

so lets see again it has been a while...i have been super busy with work and alan getting on a new work schedule.  everything is doing good on this end.  i have another appointment in a couple weeks and i have to schedule another ultrasound for somewhere between 24-28 weeks because gavin was holding urine in his kidneys...which apparently is very common in boys especially.  so they will check it out again at that time.  it will be really exciting to see an ultrasound when he is that big!  i have been walking about every other day which feels really good and i also attend baby yoga once a week which is fabulous!  love baby yoga and so does gavin :)

eating is still just plugging along...no big cravings except for the usual milk!   Yum i love milk really any dairy.  recently cottage cheese has tasted yummy as well.  it is starting to get cold here so i am hoping to make some soup this weekend to help get the chill out.  debating the use of the heat or not.  still a bit on the fence.  it makes me really stuffy so i may invest or borrow a humidifier.  some say that will help with the stuffiness....maybe it will help with the extreme itchiness!!!  i seriously apply cream on my belly and breasts twice a night...i wake up itchy LOL.  gosh and my books say it will only continue and possibly get worse.


so i have been doing research lately on breast pumps.  i want to breast feed though of course sometimes things don't work out the way you want....but alas that is the plan.  i am looking forward to it.  my hospital offers breast feeding support groups once a week which i heard was fantastic.  i do want alan to be a part of feeding the baby too so pumping would be a great way to do that.  not to mention if we need to leave the child with someone for a couple hours.  so alas i entered the world of breast pumps.  i figured i would be best with an electric one as i heard the hand pumps can be quite difficult and frustrating.  i really want to try and make this the least frustrating experience.  of course they best of the best is also the most expensive *smirks* no big surprise there!!! so i decided to go with the medela in style breast pump.  that is the one that comes with  the shoulder bag.  They are pricey sitting at 279.99 at TRU (toys are us).  I decided to buy one from someone and exchange the tubes which from talking to other moms is a great way to do it.  some hospitals will provide hand pumps for free and others rent ones.  you can also check with your insurance sometimes they provide a discount if you purchase one maybe $100 off is what i heard about blue cross blue shield.  my insurance didn't offer any incentive.  by the way....my breast will suddenly have sharp pains in them and get really hard in the nipple area.  i have learned that this is my milk ducts forming.....some ladies at this stage are already leaking....let the fun begin!


Week 18 - Day 4 ~ how modest are you

belly happenings:

gosh i cannot believe a whole week went by!  i have been super busy with work and other related items...however yesterday i had the big ultrasound which was lots of fun.  got to see all the organs and watch the little one squirm around.  my parents got an opportunity to come in and see gavin too....which was awesome.  my mom cried and hugged the poor tech lady so hard lol.  a funny story about the day was when the tech put the u/s wand on my belly this was the first thing we saw....
hummm....i wonder
lol it was so funny.  we knew it was probably a boy based on an early prediction but this certainly sealed the deal.  welcome mr gavin alan :)


gosh i hadn't weighed myself in months it feels like so i took that for a turn.....gosh it is amazing how much weight you can gain in such a short period of time!  sitting at about 12 pounds gained WOW!  I wonder where it all is lol.  i feel really good and eating more then i was a month ago.  i seem to be hungry all the time and alan likes to spoil me with treats....naughty boy.  still really loving milk and oj :)  had a pickle the other day which also made me happy!


I got my first baby gift in the mail which was fun.  alan and i spent some time assembling the pack and play which is still displayed in the living room lol.  not only is it portable...smirks...it vibrates.  hum.... and plays music and triples as a changing table and a shallow sleeping area. who knew :)  Also a close friend of mine gave me an early gift in celebration of halloween which was very perfect as i love halloween so.  this way gavin can experience the holiday in the summer...snickers.  thank you mystery friend *winks* 

love baby gap :)



Week 17 - Day 1 ~ massage bars help the itches

belly happenings:

so i went to have my monthly dr. meeting on monday and he gave me some great news!!!  my cervix is measuring at 3.7 which is just perfect.  this means i don't have to be so careful about certain activities :)  He also did some measuring and listened to little gavin's heartbeat.  i love hearing it :)  additionally, he gave me a packet of information i need to fill out and send to the hospital about birthing and history.  alan and i hope to sign up for a course soon to introduce us to the staff at the hospital and their systems there.  next week is our big ultrasound...we are also going to bring my mother :)


it is so nice to be able to cook!  the other day alan and i made minestrone stew.  it is so yummy!  its been my lunch / dinner for the past couple days mmmmm.  nothing like warm soup on a chilly day.  i also made some oatmeal raisin cookies last night which were so super yummy with vanilla ice cream.  just can't get enough of cookies ;) smirks.  this weekend we are heading up to a show in the city and i look forward to some yummy food there....i also want to head over to lush to buy a belly bar.  i have been so super SUPER itchy on my belly and my breasts.  check them out yourself...
massage bars by lush (click to check them out)


a friend shared with me the other day the new commercials evian water has been working on where they digitally animate babies....definitely worth a look see....giggles


Week 16 - Day 4 ~ music to my belly boy

belly happenings:

so i had an ultrasound on friday to check on the little one and my cervix.  it appeared that all was doing well!!!  which is fantastic!  i have a follow up appointment on monday in the afternoon at which time i will meet one of the four doctors in the practice.  also during my appointment i felt movement for the first time.  it was amazing!!! also it was great to see the little one again.....and it appears we are preparing the world for a little boy *big smile*...here is a great pic of the little one and his brain :)

Welcome Gavin Alan!


it has been so nice to have a stove to cook on :)  though my mother keeps making us food lol....pot pie, meat balls, pasta, chicken parm, eggplant parm.....pear and raspberry cake!!!  she can't stop herself and she must be contributing to the 7 pounds i have gained since this journey began.....alas we will attempt to cook on our own....maybe some soup to warm the belly :)  however our fridge is now overfilled with leftovers :)


so i often frequent thebump.com boards to see what is new in the world of march 2011 mommies :)  it is really a great place to search for deals on baby related items and online coupons.  also just to stay connected with other women going through the same stages :)  i recently was introduced to this site babysteals where each day at 9 am and 9 pm they post discounted items for babies...typically around 40-50% off the going price.  sometimes you can find a real deal i've heard...haven't found one yet but i will keep looking.  

also i have decided to make my own music making belly system.  after much debated i decided to save the $70 dollars for a rainy day.  alan and i went out and bought some clip on headsets that work great with my ipod...just fantastic.  i plan to play the same soft piano music for gavin in the evenings around bed time to calm him.  hope it works on the outside :)  i did expose him to a little country this afternoon as requested by his daddy :)


Week 16 - Day 1 ~ what kind of kid will caffeine spawn you

belly happenings:

my belly has been happy the past couple days...no cramping or spotting YAY!  i did have a really bad headache last night and broke down to take some tylenol pm to help as well as help me sleep.  i slept really well.  i can't believe how much dry skin on my belly is.  i feel like i bathe myself in cocoa butter all the time giggles.  could be worse things.  i did got shopping this weekend and bought some well deserved and needed new bras as well as my first piece of baby clothes.  I just couldn't help it and did you know Monday (Columbus Day) the gap had a 40% off the entire store sale!!!  it was awesome i had not idea...what a great surprise :)  

my little monster...bonus glows in dark :)

well alan and i are in the swing of eating some home cooked food.  last night was a smorousborg of left overs tonight roasted chicken and salad.  recently i had a cup of coffee when alan was making his and it tasted so yummy....i haven't had coffee in gosh a long long time as i converted to tea a while back before bella honey bee.  alas i enjoyed it so much i have been allowing my self little doses once in a while.  my sister who has three kids told me with the first she had no caffeine, the second a little, and the third well she drank it like she does now lol  she asked me to see which kind of child i would prefer lol.  so i figure it will be okay to have some :)  thanks sis!


recently i have bee researching blood cord donation and banks.  does anyone out there have any experience with them? one girl on my bump board said she got a deal at $1500 with a 6 payment option. wow....that is a lot of money.  i picked up this link from another expected mommy, Parents Guide to Cord Blood.  i've read that there are many benefits to potentially your child and others.  This short video below was sent my way and said to be highly informative. To access it just click on the image and type in the birthdate of January 1, 1970 when prompted.  Also click you are a friend when prompted...the video is about 10 minutes :) I plan on watching it now....let me know what you think????


Week 15 - Day 3 ~ music for baby and me

belly happenings:

so the belly and bella are much better.  i did have some spotting for a couple days with cramp, however now i feel much better.  i have an ultrasound scheduled for thus upcoming friday to check the cervix length and the little one, in addition to a check up appointment scheduled for the monday following.  it will be a busy week...coupled by a long weekend for columbus day :)  hope to lay low this weekend...see some old friends and finish unpacking from the move.  


wow! it is amazing to have a stove and a functioning fridge....its the little things.  alan and i have been trying to figure out this thing called cooking.  last night we got some sandwiches on the run since we had tickets to a show but the other night we made turkey burgers and the night before whole wheat waffles...yummy... those made my tummy HAPPY :) i hope to put out some cookbooks and bring on some serious cooking this weekend lol well thats if i don't get consumed with other projects.  we will see...as for cravings nothing really serious...except milk :) i am love love loving milk...anyone else? what do you or did you crave?


so i've have been reading recently about music and the womb...wondering if i should start sharing some classical soothing music with the little one.  some say that if you share soothing selections frequently while your baby is in the womb that when they are born that same music with sooth them to sleep?  hum.... 

some companies even market systems to allow you to hook your MP3 to your belly without the use of headphones....

check it out at bellysonic

so the question becomes what music do you share with your baby....and how will it really influence them?  i think i would like to share music (and some say at 16 weeks they can begin to hear sounds outside the womb like your voice ect) but what kind and how.  does anyone have any suggestions or experience.  im totally game for any ideas and i do think that some consistent soothing classical music would be nice.  do i need the bellysonic....well this i do not know.  is it just a pocket? and not only that it is typically $70 which seems extreme for a pocket with speakers!  is it worth it...hum can i make one.  you can also check out their section on research and do your own digging.  i'm sold on the idea but may stick with the old school headset.  maybe i will pop the headphones off an old set and stick them to my belly giggles :)


Week 14 - Day 6 ~ a day full of registries

belly happenings:

well had a bit of a scare today with some bleeding this morning....that is the worst feeling...being unable to do anything...so scary.  i called the doctor right away and left work.  alan came with and the doc did an ultrasound and exam.  bella honey bee seems to be all well and good with a strong heartbeat, however mom and dad were both a nervous wreak.  little one if you ever read this know how loved you are.  the doctor said it is not abnormal for this to happen and that it may happen again between now and 20 weeks.  she also said i have to refrain from everything like lifting, exercise, etc.  until i go a couple weeks without bleeding.  whatever is best for the baby!


so alan and i have moved into a new establishment and are getting acclimated.  we hope to start cooking for real within the next couple days if we can get to the grocery store.  right now we have been swinging some takeout and handouts from mom.  this morning before a walk i had some cereal and i just nibbled on a bagel with egg and cheese.  yummy.  bought some chicken salad for later with lettuce on a wrap.  im feeling a bit soupy....hum something warm i will have to see.  also i really want to bake cookies....yummy yum yum!


so alas i have begun the process of a registry due to the insistence of my family...at least for big stuff.  lucky me my grandmother already bought my pack and play....THANKS GRANDMA!  below is a little preview for you all....also some asked i registered at target and on amazon.  target for the big stuff and amazon for little things which really is just a list for me so i don't forget what i need.  i must say hunting for stuff i like was hard...color-wise that is...though i think these suit me :)


Week 14 - Day 4 ~ a stove to put my bun in

belly happenings:

i must say my belly must be stretching and growing because gosh i can feel it.....those round ligaments are working their bottoms off.  the doctor told me at my last visit that i should think about limiting my exercise to walking and yoga....alas i knew the time was coming.  i think i may put my gym membership on hold when they write a note on my next visit and invest in a treadmill for the house.  this was i can walk in the winter months....it makes my belly feel happy.  also i will keep up with prenatal yoga...love it!


i've eaten so strangly for the past couple days...alan and i were on a whirlwind trip to visit/meet family.  so lots of yummy treats and foods later i am still kicking but so full.  i think i need to detox my body...i can't wait to go to the grocery store and by some finger veggies and fruits for the house like...cucumbers, celery, carrots, peppers, cantaloupe, berries, peaches....yummy!  we are moving to a new abode tomorrow with a functioning fridge and alas....a STOVE!  imagine the possibilities!


well at the doc appointment i had another ultrasound which is always fun....check out the little one :)
14 weeks
also my sister threw a small impromptu shower shindig that was a fantastic time :)  i received some adorable gifts for "bella honey bee" (as my mom refers to my belly) ...i hope to have some pics up soon of the cuteness that will sometimes adorn my little one.....gosh i can't wait to meet you :)


Week 14 - Day 1 ~ how will i sling you

belly happenings:

since i always talk about everything in this section i changed the title :)  i cannot believe it has been a whole week...gosh.  i need to get on top of my game.  this week has been great!  i feel wonderful...a little indigestion last night...nothing some tums couldn't fix :)  i have pretty much finished telling all the family and my close friends and coworkers...and everyone is super excited.  im also getting ready to move which has consumed most of my time.  on mondays i began attending a prenatal yoga class which i just adore...both the instructor and the well deserved time to focus and be in the moment.  if only i could do that at night when i wake hourly and my mind is racing lol


lucky for me my mother can't help but cook for alan and i...giggles.  if it wasn't for her our diets would be limited :)  last night she made some mashed potatoes and chicken we supplemented some lettuce it was yummy.  looking forward to some cereal this morning...im starting to really enjoy milk....looks down at belly....or someone is in there :)  


lets talk slings....please offer me any information you have as there are just so many choices.  i heard about a code on thebumb site for a new company making slings called seven slings... they normally go for $40 but with the promo code you type in (babies) you can get it for shipping and change insurance - for size changing.  comes to $15ish...i figured why not try it for that price

black of course....they have other options
here are some other brands i have checked out and reviewed...


BabyBjorn City
more of a carrier...good for alan i thought
recommended by a friend


you could also sew your own baby sling which i may try.....
could be a fun timecheck out this site homemade baby slings


Week 13 - Day 1 ~ Gwen Stefani makes baby shoes really!

how am i feeling:

everything is all good on this end...slowly working on telling the family and co-workers!  it is all going well...everyone is super happy and offering advise.  some are guessing the sex of the baby....others are convinced we should not find out and be surprised.  i am so unsure about what we are going to do.   alan doesn't care and says it is up to me...arrggg  i am not sure lol always indecisive.  lucky for me we don't need to think about it until the end of october.  anyone have any suggestions here???


lets see i have been working on small meals frequently sort of lol...this morning i started with a small bowl of cereal before heading to the gym for a 4 mile walk.  afterwards ate a small piece of toast with butter and strawberry jam.  mid morning snack some carrots and half of a granola bar....then lunch the other half and small yogurt and a nectarine.  mid afternoon a small bag of smart food....yummy! so cheesy :)  dinner tonight a few leftover raviolis and some lettuce.  alan did force me to head out to dairy queen for a treat.  he implied that he needed an ice cream to make him feel happy as he was feeling like he was getting sick lol apparently when he was a child ice cream made him better when he was sick.  i had a small vanilla with colored sprinkles :) yay!


got into a silly conversation today about baby shoes...when do you start / or did you start putting them on your child.  they even have socks that look like shoes snickers.  i went on an internet search for interesting and unusual baby shoes i would enjoy for my child...boy or girl.  check it out...
Gwen Stefani clothing line Harajuku Lover 

Pirate Baby Shoes - giggles

Swarovski Black Heart Bling
Spunky Spider Shoes ( i love spiders :)
Little Harley Boots (closest i could find to mine)
Moon Boots...love them :)


Week 12 - Day 4 ~ sharing sharing and more sharing

how am i feeling:
still kicking....heading out to a step class in a bit!  went for a long walk with alan yesterday....what a nice "fall day" i guess i have to say though i would enjoy some warmer weather :)  im still tierd come 8-9 oclock at night but i cannot seem to sleep past 6:30 so i guess it all works out in the wash.  went to have my 12 week ultra sound on friday and saw the little one...amazing how much he/she has grown...wow (though remember they are really only between 2 and 3 inches :)  i have a 12 week obgyn appt. on monday for some measuring, blood, listening for the heartbeat, and such stuff....whoo hooo!

week 9

week 12


well today i have started off with some yummy heritage cereal....which ironically was also my dinner last night lol along with some crackers and cheese.  i was working on a grilled cheese with tomato but alas moldy bread...yuck.  not sure what lunch will bring but i am having dinner with the rents and alan some chicken with stuffing and salad i believe....not sure what else.  we are planning on telling the rents about the little one tonight....wish me luck :)


so i guess this is the week i am going to make it official with all members of my circle...starting with then rents...the "boss" and coworkers.  i am sure my mom will share it with the rest of the family!  i may call my sister and let her know or text her :)  i was trying to think of creative ways to share with my mom and dad but alas may just spit it out....i went searching on google and found some ideas from blogs.babliesonline.com :) i do have an ultrasound pic so i may frame it? not sure lol

  1. Wrap up and give them a picture frame with, instead of a photo, a note inside with a message ‘To be filled on (due date).’
  2. Share your vacation or other recent photos with relatives, but sneak a sonogram photo into the stack.
  3. Send a card to your parents that is aimed at grandparents, such as ‘Happy Birthday, Grandpa!’ and sign the message inside with Baby (lastname), coming on (due date).
  4. If you have a child already, have them wear a t-shirt or onesie that reads ‘I’m a big sister’ or I’m a big brother’ at a family function, and see who notices first.
  5. Place the positive home pregnancy test in a long bracelet or pen box, wrap it up and give it to your parents to open.
  6. Give your parents a pink and a blue balloon (or just a pink or a blue one, if you already know the gender of your baby), and let them try to figure out why.
  7. Bring over a bunch of pregnancy-related movies to watch together: ‘She’s Having a Baby,’ ‘Nine Months,’ ‘Father of the Bride 2,’ ‘Junior,’ ‘Knocked Up,’ etc. See if anyone catches on to the theme.
  8. If you’re the expecting mother, show up at a family function with a t-shirt that reads ‘Baby on Board,’ ‘Due in June (or the month you are due)’ or ‘Baby’ with an arrow pointing at your belly.
  9. Send or bring flowers – a bouquet of pink and blue flowers (or just pink and blue if you know the gender).
  10. Give parents a book on grand parenting, such as ‘Chicken Soup for the Grandparent’s Soul‘ or ‘That’s What Grandparents Are For.’


Week 11 - Day 7 ~ you want to suck my wee wee

how am i feeling:

feeling fabulous :)  went for a walk and to a spin class this morning and it felt great.  looking forward to a nice walk tomorrow.  it was truly beautiful outside today and that made me super happy...even ate lunch in the sun.  i'm really excited for my ultrasound this friday!  can't wait to see the little one :)


i figure that i really have to space out my meals and eat little ones like all day...snickers.  this morning i started with an english muffin...one side with butter the other with yummy southern strawberry jam and for an early morning snack had a bowl of kashi cereal super yummy.  let see mid morning snack some whole wheat ritz crackers....lunch some yogurt with a nectarine and granola bar.  i didn't have any afternoon snack so that made me a bit sad....i need to pack more food on long days.  for dinner i had a treat...night out with friends.  snacked on a combo of nachos, calamari, soup, and salad with steak and chicken....a great end to a great day!


i had something planned for this post but alas i forgot it.....hum...alan and i tried to remember but no luck....shrugs.  so lets see..oh wait i think i remember a conversation that is good to share.  if you are out there and you had a pacifier when you were a child...or you have a child with one now...what do you call it?  alan calls it a "fooler" which i thought was hysterical...as i have never heard it called a fooler in my life.  have you?  i guess it is technically fooling the child to think its a thumb?  i always heard it called a binkie but actually i don't think i used one as a child.  i was a thumb sucker...until the age of about 10.  my mom threatened me that i would need braces...however i never did.  i did a quick search to learn about other pacifier names and her are the top ten of ones i found interesting...

10. nuggle
 9. pluggerdoodle
 8. teetock
 7. pipe
 6. bo-bo
 5. assy (hum)
 4. ninny love
 3. nummy-nu-nar
 2. pluggy
 1. wee wee (really isn't that used for something else)

ps i think i may reconsider even using them.....much less calling them any of the above lol


Week 11 - Day 5 ~ a snoogle a day

how am i feeling:

some minor cramping today...nothing major....overall feeling great.  went to a step class today and love love loved it....i felt wonderful afterwards.  recently debating how i am going to pull through the winter months with clothing??? right now my pants fit everywhere but in the "belly" area snickers....though i am more bloated in the evenings but that is typical.  honestly i don't feel like stuffing myself like a sausage.  i would be more then happy in sweats and tshirts.  hum....may sport dresses and skirts with leggings the entire working winter or breakdown and look into maternity pants but honestly they all feel well itchy to me lol...we will see.


lets see today i had some yummy yummy yummy granola cereal mixed with heart to heart by kashi....gosh it hit the spot.  lunch an english muffin with butter and a naughty cookie that alan forced on me...lol dinner some chicken noodle soup and a half of chicken salad sandwich with lettuce and tomato.  snacks today included some honey roasted peanuts which were divine and some vanilla yogurt.  


alan and i watched the movie the backup plan with jennifer lopez last night and i became obsessed with the pillow she sleeps with...the pillow goes through a story of its own....but she just looked so super comfortable with it.  right now i have maneuvered numerous pillows on the bed to accompany my "belly" honestly between the breasts and tummy i don't want to sleep on my stomach it is just uncomfortable.  my side is the best with a pillow under my legs laying against my belly with my arm wrapped around it.  i have another pillow under my head and a third to rest my other arm on.  it does the trick for now....but for $64.97 i could have a snoogle....don't you want one smiles....


Week 11 - Day 3 ~ mongolia to tokyo

how am i feeling:

yesterday i went to the obgyn for a follow up to my fainting last week....she checked some vitals, talked with me about the episode, and was able to find the little one heartbeat....YAY....that was fun to hear :)  she also recommended some samples of another prenatal vitamins to give me a little more boost of fiber called Prenate Elite.  between that and the colace i should be feeling better lol.  though i did have another bad migraine yesterday afternoon that just continued to worsen as the night progressed...alan convinced me to take two tylenol and head to bed which helped immensely.  thank you alan!


we are honestly the oddest eaters....we haven't grocery shopped in 2 weeks and are really running on empty.  so well for breakfast i have some wheatibix cereal with soy milk and ive been trying to fit in a mid morning and mid afternoon snack also....maybe to keep my blood sugar up to stay away from any fainting. for my mid morning snack i had some peanuts and pretzels...for lunch a yogurt and granola bar....mid afternoon snack a bagel...and for dinner some soup (chicken noodle) and some chix and broccoli with rice. that was yesterday today i have started with wheatibix....i really do need to go shopping as i will have to purchase lunch out today lol :)


humm......so i was looking for a movie the other night to watch on itunes and noticed Everybody loves....BABIES which just came out in video.  I guess it was in the movies last year.  I will have to rent it as it looks really cute and follows the "baby" lives and cultures of four different babies in the world.  Ponijao in Opuwo, Namibia....Mari in Tokyo, Japan...Bayer in Bayanchandmani, Mongolia....and Hattie in San Francisco, California.  Check out the trailer...maybe i will rent it tonight.