
Week 6 - Day 6 ~ Dinner Aftermath


really weighing yourself everyday makes no sense at all....maybe I will stick with weekly as it appears I have lost weight?  doesn't help that i have a scale that breaks down your weight into points either...smirks

how am i feeling:

my belly is not happy today :( must be aftermath from the yummy, filling, chinese food my dad got me last night...yum....friend tofu....chicken fingers....fried rice....boneless spareribs.  not to mention i haven't eaten meat in a long while (im sure that didn't help).  i am paying for it with bloating, indigestion, and slight nausea.  oh well break out the tums and call it a calcium boost.  i did muster up the energy to head out to the gym for a 15 min climb on the step machine and an hour step class.  i keep reading to make sure i can do all this exercise and everything says go for it as does my doctor....so why not!


this morning i made some scrumptious smoothies with blueberries, banana, pineapple, yogurt and soy milk...a fantastic breakfast.  my tummy is growling now craving some toast...maybe grilled cheese yummy yum yum.  one can't say i am lacking in calcium.  as for things i am attempting to be conscious of....

  • drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day
  • drinking at least 2 cups of milk a day
  • drinking at least 1 cup of grapefruit juice a day


i was trying to decide what this section could offer....maybe rants and raves....i should change the title.  i want to send a shout out to my significant other who is along for the journey of life with me.  thank you for all your support and forcing me to take tylenol when i had a bad headache, stomaching a hamburger because i was craving one, talking to my belly, rubbing it, and laughing at my fascination in by body...giggles.  poor thing little does he know he will also gain weight with this pregnancy based on statistics lol.  honey you better read this new york times article .... oh well there could be worst things :)


Anonymous said...

Love this! I will be checking in frequently.
Glad you are liking the new book - it is helpful.
Why are you drinking all the grapefruit juice? I love grapefruits.
:-) Meg

belly said...

trying to fit in all the vitamin c lol