
Week 35 - Day 6 ~ is that your head in my vajayjay

belly happenings:

back from our adventure down south!  of course it was full of adventure...plane rides, hot showers, and an unexpected visit from a yeast friend..yuck.  being pregnant comes with such wonderful moments lol.  the doc said to just take over the counter meds which cleared everything up :)  additionally today took a trip to the maternity ward due to lack of movement.  of course i am a worrier but everyone says better to check then to not....alas alan (the great sport he is) brought me in.  

basically, I had not felt any movement for about 24 hours though i was having cramping, pinching pains in the vaginal region, and frequent braxton hicks contractions.  they hooked me up to a monitor, and of course Gavin started to move and hiccup LOL, and ultrasound him...he is head down and ready to go.  the doctor also did a vaginal exam on me determining that i was 50% effaced, my cervix is soft, and Gavin's head is in zero position.  these are all great signs.....he is getting ready to come into the world and we cannot wait! YAY!

also....finished a draft of my birth plan to share with our doula and the doctors this week...check it out below and let me know if you have any suggestions!!!!  Thanks :)

Birth Plan for Gavin Alan

Labor Support:  I’ll be accompanied by my significant other Alan; as well as our Doula Maureen.  I would prefer not to have any other family and/or friends present till after bonding and first time breastfeeding. 

Environment:  I would like to try and keep the lighting dim and use music provided by my ipod and/or laptop when requested, to assist with providing a comfortable environment.

IV:  I would prefer to not have an IV unless deemed absolutely necessary.  I would also like to drink fluids and eat as long as acceptable.

Pain Relief:  I hope to deliver without drugs or interventions, and welcome help and encouragement to do so.  I would prefer that hospital staff kindly refrain from offering intervention unless requested.  If medication becomes necessary Alan or I will request it from staff.

Mobility:  I’d like to move around freely during labor and use the shower as a calming agent.

Birthing Tools: I would like to have a birthing ball in the room upon admittance if possible, and I would also like to use a squatting bar if requested.  During birth I would like to be free to try a variety of positions such as squatting and

Episiotomy:  I’d prefer a natural tear to an incision; and would also like to have warm compresses applied to the perineum at crowning.

C-Section:  I hope to avoid a c-section, but if one becomes necessary, I’d like to have Alan and Maureen stay with me.  I’d also like to see and hold the baby right afterwards.

Cord Cutting and Delivery:  I would like the cord to be drained into Gavin before it is cut if possible.  I would like Alan to assist with delivery (i.e. catch Gavin) and to cut the cord if at all possible.

Bonding:  I’d prefer to have skin-to-skin contact immediately after birth (for up to 2 hours if acceptable), and that non-emergency tests and procedures be delayed while Alan and I have time to bond with Gavin and I may attempt to breastfeed.  I would not like Gavin to have a Hepatitis B shot after birth.

Breastfeeding:  I plan to breastfeed, and assistance with this would be greatly appreciated.  Please do not give Gavin pacifiers or any supplemental bottles.  If he needs to feed and I am resting please wake me to do so.  

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